How install proxychains on Slackware???
first i choose slackware two months ago, i think slackware is simple and stable. because slackware’s distro serve two namely version’s : current version and stable version.
i choose current version and installed on my laptop slackware current x86_64 bit, all right everybody no strings attached how install proxychains tutorial. in my tutorial i have 2 files, if you haven’t this files you must download file on SlackBuild
okay !!! let’s see that :D
extract file.tar.gz on your directory
# tar -zxvf proxychains.tar.gz
move source file to after extract directory
# mv proxychains-4.2.tar.xz /directory/directory/proxychains
after extract and move, go in directory proxychains
# cd proxychains/
you’ll need building with slackbuilds, we don’t have access to build because of you give file access
# chmod +x proxychains.SlackBuild
and then run
# ./proxychains.SlackBuild
wait until build stop, and you’ll see created /tmp/proxychains-4....... etc/
after success build, finally step you run
# installpkg proxychains-4.......
okay proxychains has installed on your computer, thanks :)
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